Personal Financial Planning

You don’t have to be a numbers person to understand finances! You just have to appreciate their role in your livelihood, career, and business.

  • Venue: Onsite, Online
  • Type: Personal Coaching, Group Training
  • Hours: 10 to 12
  • Software: MS Excel

For many of us who are not financial professionals, worrying about money and saving for the future can be a chore. In this course, I show you how opportunities arise when you change your attitude towards money. I walk you through the basics of money, personal finance—earning, spending, saving, and investing—with an eye for finding opportunities to enrich your life.


about money, markets, financial products, and economics.


a planning mindset and a personal budget.


yourself financially to manage risks and grasp opportunities.

I address such questions as: How can you earn more? What are the different types of income? How can you use different tools for planning and goal setting? How do you budget? What is the value of money and what are the smartest approaches for savings and investing? All of this and more is covered in this beginner’s course in personal finance.
